Once again, last week was another holiday in Hong Kong. These public holidays are starting to spoil me because I'm getting used to having D around during the week. It seems like he's been working more 4 day weeks the past few months than 5 day weeks. You won't hear me complaining about this one!
What were were celebrating this time? Buddha's birthday! Buddha has become part of my every day life in Hong Kong. I see him in the store windows, at the tourist sites, in the markets, and in a few of my favorite restaurants.
Since D had the day off from work, we decided to go for a long leisurly walk along our favorite walking path (despite the weather being 87 degrees feeling like 93 with the humidity). As we strolled along the walking path we managed to spot:
The week before, P and I planned our entire day around visiting the Buddha at his home on Lantau Island. To see him we traveled...
through the air...
over mountains... over water...
and up hundreds of stairs!
I may not follow the teachings of Buddha, pray to the statues, or know much about the Buddhist religion, but since he seems to be everywhere, I might as well celebrate his birthday...especially if that means I get to spend more time with my hubby and friends!