My blogging absence can only be blamed on one thing...morning sickness. Sitting down at the computer to type was not on the top of my list, unless it was googling ways to control this nasty side effect that comes along with such a beautiful, life changing event.
When I first broke the news that I was pregnant to family and friends via Skype (amazing!!!) people were excited, shocked, and ready to ask 100 questions.
For Example:
1. Will you be having the baby in Hong Kong?
Yes, if I want D to be included in the birth of his child.
2. Are there good hospitals out there?
The one I'm delivering at is compared to a 5 star resort...and you know those don't come cheap
3. Does your Doctor speak English?
Probably better than most of the Doctors in NYC!
4. Will your parents fly out to see the baby?
I've been trying to get them out here for the past year and half. Now they have a very good reason to come visit!
My all time favorite is.....
5. Will the baby be Chinese?
Not if D is the father!
We are super excited about this new phase of our lives and we are looking forward to meeting our little one in May. While I wont be talking much about my pregnancy in this blog, you can follow my weekly diary postings at Click on the section called THE GLOW. Each week I will be updating other expecting mothers on the changes going through my body or
different experiences I've had as a pregnant lady in Hong Kong! You know what they say...everything these days is made in China!