"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Chinese philosopher Laozi

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bet you can't eat just one.

Why did my students in Chinatown always vote for a Chips Party? After a recent trip to a Hong Kong supermarket, I found the answer to that question. I ventured into a Wellcome Supermarket even though I vouched never to step foot in there again after the swine incident. I was just looking for a bag of tortilla chip to go with my guacamole. To my amazement I couldn't find a plain chip in the entire store! I did however find...


I had a hard time deciding between the BBQ Crispy Pork or the Thai Style Fish Crisp. As my students would say, the fishier the better.

Indian food has never been a favorite of mine so I opted out of the Curry Flavored ones.

I think my stomach would look similar to that picture after ingesting the fiery tomato devil.

This was the closest I could find to normal since it was made by Lays. Swiss Cheese Flavor? Blah!

This beef flavor really tempts your taste buds...if you're a dog!

As I reached for the bag I thought to myself, "will Tums be strong enough or will I have to reach for the Maalox or Pepto Bismol?" Oh wait! They don't sell any of those products in Hong Kong!
I think it would be safer if I stuck with the Baked Lays I received from the lovely Continental Airlines flight attendant.


  1. Do you need me to send you some Tostitos?

  2. buy pita, cut it up, sprinkle salt, and bake!

    and if you cant find pita, buy the hot dog bao and slip out the hot dog...

  3. lol..um that would not be kosher!

  4. LOL @ judy's hotdog bread suggestion!
