"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Chinese philosopher Laozi

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Polly want a city tour?

As we were walking through Soho one day (the area they called South Of Hollywood Road), my friend J and I noticed a woman a few feet in front of us with a colorful accessory on her left shoulder. Now I've seen some strange fashion accessory choices out here but this one had to be the strangest.

I had to get a closer look so I crept up behind the lady. Did this woman have a live parrot on her shoulder? She sure did. The woman walked through the crowded city streets and the bird stayed propped up on her shoulder. People passed her on the streets and didn't even look twice.

Pet birds are extremely popular here in Hong Kong. There are lots of stores where you can purchase or even adopt them. In Mongkok, there is an entire market dedicated to birds. As you walk through the market you can see a variety of colorful birds, cages and bird paraphernalia.

I heard that some people take their birds to the Yuen Po St. Bird Garden where they "walk" their birds. Elderly local men bring their birds in cages to the garden and walk around with them to get fresh air.

Birds aren't only used for pets here. Ducks and pigeons are specialties in many of the local Chinese restaurants. Apparently so are eggs!

Yes, this dish was served to us at a Chinese restaurant here in Hong Kong.
No, we didn't eat it!
Would you?


  1. Ew to the egg! Yum to the ginger! Let me know when you get a pet bird!

  2. christian is a chubby boy in our class.

    Marisa Locc: what did your parents tell you to work on after parent teacher conferences?
    Christian: I need to go on a diet and be healthy. I will eat black eggs only.

    chan: what the whatt?
