"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Chinese philosopher Laozi

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sorting it all out...

What to take...What to leave...
These were the major questions of the long weekend. While most people were enjoying the gorgeous weather, sitting on the beach, or backyard BBQs, D and and I were sorting through 7 years of accumulated "stuff". You can hardly see the living room floor! I am trying to get rid of as much stuff as possible while D is planning on taking a library of hard cover books he has already read and probably won't open once while living in Asia. D's motto for me "out with the old before in with the new"(I try very hard to follow this rule). Every time I buy something new, I need to get rid of something old that I don't wear. I think he needs to follow his own advice when it come to his books. :) With one month to go before the movers come, we have a lot more to sort through. My parents' basement already looks like the gift departments of Bloomingdales, Barneys, and Crate and Barrel. So, if anyone is the market for a non-fiction, hardcover book please let me know. Otherwise, we will be continuing our relationship with the guy who works in the donation room at the Salvation Army.


  1. OUT WITH THE OLD BEFORE IN WITH THE NEW :) wonder if that line will work for Hal!!! XOXO

  2. Impressive organizational skill! "Less is more" along with Dan's edict of "out with the old" have always worked well for us as we have right-sized over the years.

  3. I love that Dan loves his books.....but can't they stay on this continent until you return home?Isn't he going to learn Mandarin or Cantonese and then he'll need to read books in Chinese.

  4. You should of taken a pictures of all the bags you donated!
