"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Chinese philosopher Laozi

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sassy in Hong Kong

When I moved to Hong Kong 15 months ago (yes, it's been that long!) I didn't know a soul. A friend of a friend introduced me (through email) to one of her childhood friends who was living in Hong Kong. "L" filled me in on things I needed to know about the city including the popular social group for expats called Sassy Hong Kong.

I read the Sassy blog and saw that they were having a meet up in a private club later that week. Well if you know me, clubs really aren't my thing. I closed the blog thinking I would meet friends elsewhere.

Before I knew it, it was Thursday night and there I was hair straightened and dressed up walking into a private club by MYSELF. When I got to the door lots of ladies were in line eager to sip their complimentary drinks and chat it up with their friends inside. I took my free drink pass (not quite sure what to do with it since I don't drink) and headed inside.

I stood by the bar looking around at groups of women chatting and kissing hello. I felt beyond uncomfortable but smiled at others who were waiting to catch the bar tenders attention, hoping someone would strike up a conversation with me. Oh, how I longed for my friends back home.

I inched a little to the right of the bar so that others could pass by me to get their drinks and I heard two women speaking in American accents. We began talking and before I knew it, I was introduced to 5 or 6 of their friends including two of Sassy girls themselves!

The next day, I already had a lunch date lined up with "J" a girl from NJ, who to this day remains one of my closest friends in Hong Kong.

Later that week was my 30th birthday. A group of girls invited me to lunch that day. I hadn't told anyone it was my birthday, but to my surprise I was being showered with a bouquet of flowers, dessert, and was even treated to lunch by 4 girls I had only just met! None of this would have been possible if I hadn't logged onto the Sassy Hong Kong website and forced myself to get out there and meet others.

When I found out my friend Vinny, (the one who made the amazing programs and seating cards for my wedding) was selling his bag line here in Hong Kong, I knew that Sassy readers would love to hear more about his practical and beautifully designed handbags.

Today the girls at Sassy ran an interview that I did with Vinny. Come take a look!


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