(View from our bedroom!)
Our 2 months in the wonderful world of corporate housing have expired and it's time to move out into the real world. After 9 weeks on a sweltering hot boat, our "stuff" finally arrived in one piece...everything except for a few broken dishes and the movers who had to carry our heavy sofa up 26 flights of stairs since it was too big to fit in the lift.
After spending the entire weekend unpacking and organizing everything, I really didn't miss our "stuff" all that much.
First step: Laundry
Anything that could be washed was washed. If not, it was dry cleaned. Who knows what else was catching a ride from NYC to Hong Kong.
Second step: Dishes
Since there are no dishwasher machines in Hong Kong, people hire others to do the dish washing, so that's exactly what I did. 14 boxes of kitchenware. 5 hours. Clean dishes to eat off of. Priceless. (well, not exactly priceless but close ;) Let's just say my helper is my new best friend!
Third step: IPHONE
After suffering through 2 months without a (real)cell phone D finally got me the new IPHONE 4. I would give you all the number but it doesn't work! Guess my little crappy phone we bought on the streets of Wan Chai isn't so crappy after all!
Fourth step: IKEA
We basically shipped over our entire NYC apartment minus whatever my parents would let us store in NJ, so we didn't really need too much extra furniture. I'm not really sure why we were in IKEA for over 2 hours and spent over 10,000 HKD but whatever we bought I'm sure we needed it! D was just happy to visit IKEA for their famous Swedish meatballs. I wasn't sure how they were going to taste being that the people making them were Asian and not Swedish but they seemed to go over well with the hubby.
Well we are exhausted after a long weekend of reaching into boxes, unwrapping our possessions, and putting them away. We don't celebrate Labor day here in Hong Kong so it's back to work tomorrow....well at least for some of us!
(View At Night!)
Can I come be you dishmaid?
ReplyDeleteYou have truly adopted your new culture..."lift". I know that means elevator but coming from a girl from the USA, you learn quickly.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck in your new home where the views do look sensational. Now, what's going to be cooking in the new kitchen? Hope Rhodora JR. will be a great teacher.
I love hearing about your adventures. The view from you apt is amazing! Great idea to mix the pictures with the story. Keep posting.
ReplyDelete26 flights with a couch: ouch!
ReplyDeleteDoes your new best friend cook too?
Aunt Bayla
Is IKEA close? (Thought you could pick up some Swedish meatballs for Dan as a last minute dinner choice!) I could not be more proud of the way you handled the move, the movers, and setting up your apartment. Now let's see how you do with your new "shul" and services for the holidays. I'm hoping you will meet some really nice people. Well, at least we know you will have some good material for a future blog!!
the way you write about those meatballs makes me want to eat some! and i dont even eat...swedish food!