"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Chinese philosopher Laozi

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Masking the gas

(thanks mom for my princess piggy bank and my gas mask!)

Cough, Cough..I guess 6 years of breathing in the polluted air in Chinatown was not enough. I had to move to a location where the pollution is 3 times worse than New York City. There are days when the smog is so thick that I can't see anything but white smoky clouds out my window. Then, there are also days when it's actually harmful to go out and breathe in the air.

Everyone has their favorite websites that they visit on a daily basis. When I was living in the city, my favorites included The Weather Channel-to get the daily forecast, NY1-for local news, and The Superficial for local celebrity gossip. Now the most visited website on my computer is Environmental Protection Department which gives a daily reading of the API (Air Pollution Index).

Air Pollution Index at 17:00 12-Oct-2010010
Air Pollution Index at 17:00 12-Oct-2010
Station API Air Pollution Level Contributing Pollutant
Causeway Bay 57 Medium High Nitrogen Dioxide
Central 77 Medium High Nitrogen Dioxide
Mong Kok 69 Medium High Nitrogen Dioxide

I live above Central, and today is good day....enough said...cough, cough...
(if anyone wants to know what Nitrogen Dioxide is, it's a reddish-brown toxic gas)

According to research preformed by Hong Kong University, around 1,100 people die and more than 7 million people become sick every year because of air pollution. When the API readings reach above 100, the government puts out a warning for people with heart or lung illnesses to avoid being outside in heavily polluted areas. Maybe all the people with the masks on, who I've desperately been trying to avoid, have the right idea. I guess I should buy cartons of masks on my next trip back to the states. Does Costco sell them? If not, you might see future pictures of me sporting the gas mask!


  1. It's such a tragedy that we are fouling our own nest without the political will to do much to stop it.

  2. Wow Marisa, I can't believe you live with that pollution! Stay home and take up beading. I'll get you started when I see you in Florida. luv aunt sue

  3. you might have black lungs, but at least you'll look cool with that mask.


    i should get dave one of these because i just ate some rice and beans.

    too much for a public blog?

    wait, its just aunt sue and lois. FART JOKES FOREVER

  4. The piggy bank I can believe, but did your mom really give you that gas mask?

  5. want to come inhale shanghai and beijing? =P

    btw, if you're intent on getting the mask, you have to make sure you have the right model number. the rest don't do piddidly squat.

  6. get the herbal suppl milk thistle

  7. I'd be excited about getting a mask. That's so gaga!
