You are looking at it!
The main reason I'm blogging about this subject matter this week is because my wonderful brother Jason, (author of the comical blog comments) is gallivanting through the wine country of France and will not be able to comment on this one. It's not that I don't LOVE his comments, it's just that this Blog may not be kosher.
Last week I strolled into a street market in the neighborhood of Wan Chai. Wan Chai was described to me as the Meat Packing district of NYC. It's currently going through a re-gentrification. At night, people venture to Wan Chai to visit new bars, restaurants, and some of the hottest clubs. Some people also go to visit the strippers, prostitutes, and various massage parlors. As most of you know I'm usually fast asleep by midnight so you don't have to worry about me visiting Wan Chai for this scene.
The Wan Chai market has a little bit of everything. You can pick up an umbrella for when it starts to down pour out of no where, underwear since your washer/dryer takes an entire day to dry anything, veggies, (yes mom I found cucumbers for less than $3.50 USD.) and of course fish and meat.
You want it, they have it! The market has everything from pigeon to pig hooves. Our friend who was visiting this weekend from NYC tried the pigeon and said it tastes similar to duck. He also tried the turtle jelly. Enough said.
The market has live chickens in cages. You can pick out which chicken you want and the man will just chop its head off and prepare it for you to take home and cook for dinner. A friend from college who lives here told me it's probably fresher than what we buy at the market. The sad thing is he's probably right!
A guy I met at a party this weekend, showed me the menu from a restaurant he had eaten at in China. They served cat, dog, and donkey intestines. You can't get that stuff in Hong Kong, or can you? From the looks of it you can get some kind of animal tail. You can definitely say Hong Kong has something for everyone, even for long as it doesn't come from this market!